1 comentarii Etichete:
Uimitor dar adevarat! Acest sistem inovator, nu necesita clickuri.... visitatorul va auzi doar reclama si tu primesti banii! :)) CA tare! M-am inscris! Din februarie incepe totul...deci sa vedem ce bani obtinem in martie! :>

Pay-Per-Play asta e pentru tine daca vrei monetizare!

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Pay Per Play is the web's newest and fastest growing form of online advertising.

NetAudioAds Pay Per Play (PPP) is an online media channel that plays 5 second audio advertisements to website visitors. Audio ads are only ever heard on web pages where the PPP code is installed.

The technology behind NetAudioAds automatically crawls the content of your pages and delivers audio ads that are relevant to your audience and your website's content. The ads are so well-matched by our system that your visitors will actually find them useful.

register at http://www.yourpayperplay.com

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